Midwest SP Plus Blog

New Year, New You , New Opportunities with SP+

A message from Chris Sherman

Opportunity Is Knocking!

Opportunity is defined as a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. The start of a new year is always a good time to reflect on the opportunities we’ve taken advantage of and the new opportunities before us. Over 20 years ago, I decided to take on an opportunity with Central Parking System (now SP+) as a Senior Manager. I liked the job that I had at that time but I saw this new position as an opportunity to earn a better salary to pay my bills and to gain at that time experience in business. At the time, I didn’t necessarily see it as a long-term career opportunity but I did see it as a good step in building a career in business.

Think back to when you first started your journey with SP+. I’m sure, like me, you were hopeful of the opportunities of your new position. Perhaps it was an opportunity to be the best you can be in the service industry or the opportunity to learn a new skill, or perhaps, like me, you were hopeful of growing and building a career.

The great news is that there remains plenty of opportunity for growth with SP+. We continue to grow as a company and with that growth comes opportunities for each of you. Many of our best managers have started their careers directly serving our customers as valets, customer service representatives, cashiers or bookkeepers. Employees who start on the front line and have strong integrity, are hardworking and are “humble, hungry and smart” have a leg up on those who have not worked in the business as they understand the business from the ground level. If this is you and you are interested in an opportunity for growth at SP+, I’d like to know about it. If you are interested in the potential to become a Facility Manager, fill out the form at the link provided below.
If the opportunity to be a Facility Manager is not your goal, think about what opportunity you want to take advantage of at SP+ and commit to yourself today to taking advantage of that and being the best you that you can be. Thank you all for making mobility easy for our customers. Let’s all make a commitment to take advantage of the opportunities before us and to making 2022 the best year ever!